The Contents of the Book 책의 목차 3부(57-119편)
The History of Urantia 3부 유란시아의 역사
- The Origin of Urantia 유란시아의 기원
1. The Andronover Nebula
2. The Primary Nebular Stage
3. The Secondary Nebular Stage
4. Tertiary and Quartan Stages
Origin of the Sun
5. Origin of Monmatia — The Urantia Solar System
Retrograde motion
6. The Solar System Stage
The Planet-Forming Era
Tidal friction
Gravity-tidal explosions
7. The Meteoric Era
The Volcanic Age
The Primitive Planetary Atmosphere
8. Crustal Stabilization
The Age of Earthquakes
The World Ocean and the First Continent - Life Establishment on Urantia 유란시아의 생명 정착(定着)
1. Physical-Life Prerequisites
2. The Urantia Atmosphere
3. Spatial Environment
4. The Life-Dawn Era
5. The Continental Drift
6. The Transition Period
7. The Geologic History Book - The Marine-Life Era on Urantia 유란시아의 해양-생명 시대
1. Early Marine Life in the Shallow Seas
The Trilobite Age
2. The First Continental Flood Stage
The Invertebrate-Animal Age
3. The Second Great Flood Stage
The Coral Period
The Brachiopod Age
4. The Great Land-Emergence Stage
The Vegetative Land-Life Period
The Age of Fishes
5. The Crustal-Shifting Stage
The Fern-Forest Carboniferous Period
The Age of Frogs
6. The Climatic Transition Stage
The Seed-Plant Period
The Age of Biologic Tribulation - Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era 초기 육지-생명 시대의 유란시아
1. The Early Reptilian Age
2. The Later Reptilian Age
3. The Cretaceous Stage
The Flowering-Plant Period
The Age of Birds
4. The End of the Chalk Period - The Mammalian Era on Urantia 유란시아의 포유동물 시대
1. The New Continental Land Stage
The Age of Early Mammals
2. The Recent Flood Stage
The Age of Advanced Mammals
3. The Modern Mountain Stage
Age of the Elephant and the Horse
4. The Recent Continental-Elevation Stage
The Last Great Mammalian Migration
5. The Early Ice Age
6. Primitive Man in the Ice Age
7. The Continuing Ice Age - The Dawn Races of Early Man 여명의 초기 인간 종족들
1. The Early Lemur Types
2. The Dawn Mammals
3. The Mid-Mammals
Origin of the Simian tribes
4. The Primates
5. The First Human Beings
6. Evolution of the Human Mind
7. Recognition as an Inhabited World - The First Human Family 첫 인간 가족
1. Andon and Fonta 안돈과 폰타
2. The Flight of the Twins 쌍둥이의 도피
3. Andon’s Family 안돈의 가족
4. The Andonic Clans 안돈의 씨족들
5. Dispersion of the Andonites 안돈-사람들의 분산
6. Onagar — The First Truth Teacher 오나가-첫 번째 진리를 가르친 선생
7. The Survival of Andon and Fonta 안돈과 폰타의 생존 - The Evolutionary Races of Color 진화적 유색 인종들
1. The Andonic Aborigines 안돈의 원주민들
2. The Foxhall Peoples 폭스홀 민족
3. The Badonan Tribes 바도난 부족들
4. The Neanderthal Races 네안데르탈인들
5. Origin of the Colored Races 유색 인종들의 기원
6. The Six Sangik Races of Urantia 유란시아의 여섯 산긱 인종
(1) The red man 홍인
(2) The orange man 주황인
(3) The yellow man 황인
(4) The green man 녹인
(5) The blue man 청인
(6) The indigo race 남인종
Purpose of the six races 여섯 인종들의 목적
7. Dispersion of the Colored Races 유색 인종들의 분산 - The Overcontrol of Evolution 진화의 전반적-조정
1. Life Carrier Functions 생명 운반자의 기능
(1) The physical level of electrochemistry 전기화학의 물리적 수준
(2) The usual mid-phase of quasi-morontial existence 준(準)-모론시아 실존의 통상의 중간-위상
(3) The advanced semispiritual level 진보된 반(半)영적 수준
2. The Evolutionary Panorama 진화의 개관
3. The Fostering of Evolution 진화의 육성
4. The Urantia Adventure 유란시아 모험
5. Life-Evolution Vicissitudes 생명-진화 변천
6. Evolutionary Techniques of Life 생명의 진화적 기법
7. Evolutionary Mind Levels 진화하는 마음 수준
Mechanical-nonteachable mind 기계적이며-가르칠 수 없는 마음
Nonmechanical experiencing mind 비(非)기계적이며 체험하는 마음
8. Evolution in Time and Space 시간과 공간에 있는 진화 - The Planetary Prince of Urantia 유란시아의 행성 왕자
1. Prince Caligastia 칼리가스티아 왕자
2. The Prince’s Staff 왕자의 참모진
3. Dalamatia — The City of the Prince 달라마시아─왕자의 도시
4. Early Days of the One Hundred 100인의 초기 시절
5. Organization of the One Hundred 100인의 조직
(1) The council on food and material welfare 식량과 물질 복지 위원회
(2) The board of animal domestication and utilization 동물 길들이기와 활용(活用)회(會)
(3) The advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals 육식동물 정복에 대한 고문(顧問)들
(4) The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge 지식 보급과 보존 교직원
(5) The commission on industry and trade 산업과 무역 위원회
(6) The college of revealed religion 계시된 종교의 대학
(7) The guardians of health and life 건강과 생명의 수호자들
(8) The planetary council on art and science 예술과 과학 담당 행성 위원회
(9) The governors of advanced tribal relations 증진된 부족 관계의 통치자들
(10) The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation 부족의 통합-협동 및 종족의 협동 담당하는 대법원
6. The Prince’s Reign 왕자의 통치
7. Life in Dalamatia 달라마시아 생활
8. Misfortunes of Caligastia 칼리가스티아의 불행 - The Planetary Rebellion 행성의 반란
1. The Caligastia Betrayal 칼리가스티아의 배반
2. The Outbreak of Rebellion 반란의 발발(勃發)
3. The Seven Crucial Years 쓰라린 7년
4. The Caligastia One Hundred After Rebellion 반란 이후 칼리가스티아 100인
5. Immediate Results of Rebellion 즉각적 반란의 결과들
6. Van — The Steadfast 반 – 굳건한 자
7. Remote Repercussions of Sin 죄의 희미한 반향(反響)들
8. The Human Hero of the Rebellion 반란 중의 인간 영웅 - The Dawn of Civilization 문명의 여명
1. Protective Socialization 보호적 사회화(社會化)
2. Factors in Social Progression 사회적 진보의 요소들
3. Socializing Influence of Ghost Fear 유령(幽靈) 공포의 사회화적 영향
4. Evolution of the Mores 사회관습의 진화
5. Land Techniques — Maintenance Arts 토지 기법─유지 기술들
(1) The collection stage 채집 단계
(2) The hunting stage 수렵 단계
(3) The pastoral stage 목축 단계
(4) The agricultural stage 경작 단계
6. Evolution of Culture 문화의 진화
The land-man ratio 토지-인간 비율 - Primitive Human Institutions 원시적 인간 제도
1. Basic Human Institutions 기본적 인간 제도들
(1) Institutions of self-maintenance 자아-유지의 제도들
(2) Institutions of self-perpetuation 자아-영속의 제도들
(3) Institutions of self-gratification 자아-충족(充足)의 제도들
2. The Dawn of Industry 근면(勤勉)의 여명(黎明)
3. The Specialization of Labor 노동의 전문화
4. The Beginnings of Trade 매매(무역)의 시작
5. The Beginnings of Capital 자본(資本)의 시작
6. Fire in Relation to Civilization 불과 문명의 관계
7. The Utilization of Animals 동물의 이용
8. Slavery as a Factor in Civilization 문명의 요소인 노예 제도
9. Private Property 사유 재산 - The Evolution of Human Government 인간 정부(政府)의 진화(進化)
1. The Genesis of War전쟁의 발생
2. The Social Value of War 전쟁의 사회적 가치
Modern industrialism versus militarism 현대 산업주의 대(對) 군국주의
3. Early Human Associations 초기의 인간 연합
4. Clans and Tribes 씨족과 부족
5. The Beginnings of Government 정부(政府)의 시작
6. Monarchial Government 군주(君主)의 정부(政府)
7. Primitive Clubs and Secret Societies 원시적 동호회(同好會)와 비밀 단체(團體)들
8. Social Classes 사회 계급(階級)
9. Human Rights 인간의 권리(權利)
10. Evolution of Justice 정의(正義)의 진화
11. Laws and Courts 법률(法律)과 법정(法廷)
12. Allocation of Civil Authority 시민(市民) 권한(權限)의 분배(分配) - Development of the State 국가의 발전
1. The Embryonic State 초기(初期미발달) 국가
2. The Evolution of Representative Government 대의정치(代議政治)의 진화
3. The Ideals of Statehood 국가의 이상(理想)들
4. Progressive Civilization 진보적 문명
5. The Evolution of Competition 경쟁의 진화
6. The Profit Motive 이익(利益) 동기(動機)
7. Education 교육
8. The Character of Statehood 국가의 특성 - Government on a Neighboring Planet 이웃 행성의 정부(政府)
1. The Continental Nation 대륙 국가
2. Political Organization 정치적 조직
3. The Home Life 가정 생활
4. The Educational System 교육 체계
5. Industrial Organization 산업 조직
6. Old-Age Insurance 노년(老年) 보험
7. Taxation 과세(課稅)
8. The Special Colleges 특수 대학들
9. The Plan of Universal Suffrage 일반 선거권의 계획
10. Dealing with Crime 범죄 정책
11. Military Preparedness 군비(軍備군사 대비)
12. The Other Nations 다른 나라들 - The Garden of Eden 에덴 동산
Tabamantia’s inspection 타바만시아의 시찰
1. The Nodites and the Amadonites 놋-사람들과 아마돈-사람들
2. Planning for the Garden 동산을 위한 계획
3. The Garden Site 동산의 위치
4. Establishing the Garden 동산의 건립
5. The Garden Home 동산 가정(家庭)
6. The Tree of Life 생명나무
7. The Fate of Eden 에덴의 숙명(宿命) - Adam and Eve 아담과 이브
1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem 예루셈의 아담과 이브
2. Arrival of Adam and Eve 아담과 이브의 도착
3. Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet 아담과 이브가 행성에 대해 배우다
4. The First Upheaval 첫 격변(激變)
5. Adam’s Administration 아담의 경영
6. Home Life of Adam and Eve 아담과 이브의 가정생활
7. Life in the Garden 동산의 생활
8. The Legend of Creation 창조 설화 - The Default of Adam and Eve 아담과 이브의 의무-불이행(不履行)
1. The Urantia Problem 유란시아 문제
2. Caligastia’s Plot 칼리가스티아의 음모(陰謀)
3. The Temptation of Eve 유혹에 빠진 이브
4. The Realization of Default 의무-불이행(不履行)의 인식
5. Repercussions of Default 의무-불이행(不履行)의 영향
6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden 아담과 이브가 동산을 떠나다
7. Degradation of Adam and Eve 아담과 이브의 강등(降等)
8. The So-Called Fall of Man 소위(所謂) 사람의 타락 - The Second Garden 둘째 동산
1. The Edenites Enter Mesopotamia 에덴-사람들이 메소포타미아로 들어가다
2. Cain and Abel 카인과 아벨
3. Life in Mesopotamia 메소포타미아 생활
The Sethite priesthood 셋-사람 사제
4. The Violet Race 보라색 인종
5. Death of Adam and Eve 아담과 이브의 죽음
Michael’s message 미가엘의 메시지
6. Survival of Adam and Eve 아담과 이브의 생존 - The Midway Creatures 중도(中途) 창조물들
1. The Primary Midwayers 1차 중도자들
2. The Nodite Race 놋-사람 종족
3. The Tower of Babel 바벨탑
4. Nodite Centers of Civilization 놋-사람들의 문명 중심지들
5. Adamson and Ratta 아담선과 롸타
6. The Secondary Midwayers 2차 중도자들
7. The Rebel Midwayers 반역한 중도자들
8. The United Midwayers 연합한 중도자들
9. The Permanent Citizens of Urantia 유란시아의 영구 시민들 - The Violet Race After the Days of Adam 아담 시대 이후 보라 종족
1. Racial and Cultural Distribution 종족과 문화의 분포
2. The Adamites in the Second Garden 둘째 동산의 아담-사람들
3. Early Expansions of the Adamites 아담-사람들의 초기 팽창
4. The Andites 안드-사람들
5. The Andite Migrations 안드-사람들의 이주
6. The Last Andite Dispersions 마지막 안드-사람의 분산
7. The Floods in Mesopotamia 메소포타미아의 홍수
Story of Noah 노아의 이야기
8. The Sumerians — Last of the Andites 수메르인(人)들 – 마지막 안드-사람들 - Andite Expansion in the Orient 동양에서 안드인(人) 확장
1. The Andites of Turkestan 투르키스탄의 안드-사람들
2. The Andite Conquest of India 안드-사람들의 인도 정복
3. Dravidian India 드라비다(人)의 인도 정복
4. The Aryan Invasion of India 아리아인(人)의 인도 침입
5. Red Man and Yellow Man 홍(紅)인종과 황(黃)인종
6. Dawn of Chinese Civilization 중국 문명의 여명(黎明)
7. The Andites Enter China 안드-사람들이 중국에 들어가다
8. Later Chinese Civilization 후대의 중국 문명 - Andite Expansion in the Occident 서양에서 안드인(人) 확장
1. The Adamites Enter Europe 아담-사람들이 유럽으로 들어가다
2. Climatic and Geologic Changes 기후와 지질(地質) 변화
Flooding of the Mediterranean 지중해의 범람
3. The Cro-Magnoid Blue Man 크로마뇽 청인
4. The Andite Invasions of Europe 안드-사람들의 유럽 침공
5. The Andite Conquest of Northern Europe 안드-사람들의 북유럽 정복
6. The Andites Along the Nile 나일 강변의 안드-사람들
7. Andites of the Mediterranean Isles 지중해 제도의 안드-사람들
8. The Danubian Andonites 다뉴브의 안돈-사람들
9. The Three White Races 세 종류의 백인종 - Development of Modern Civilization 현대 문명의 발전
1. The Cradle of Civilization 문명의 요람
2. The Tools of Civilization 문명의 도구
(1) The taming of fire 불 다루기
(2) The domestication of animals 동물 길들이기
(3) The enslavement of captives 포로의 노예삼기
(4) Private property 사유 재산
3. Cities, Manufacture, and Commerce 도시, 제조업 및 상업
4. The Mixed Races 혼합 인종들
(1) The Caucasoid races 코카서스 인종
(2) The Mongoloid races 몽골 인종
(3) The Negroid races 흑인종
5. Cultural Society 문화적 사회
Might and right 힘과 정의(正義)
6. The Maintenance of Civilization 문명의 유지
(1) Natural circumstances 자연적 환경
(2) Capital goods 자본재(資本財)
(3) Scientific knowledge 과학적 지식
(4) Human resources 인적(人的) 자원
(5) Effectiveness of material resources 물질 자원의 효율성
(6) Effectiveness of language 언어의 효율성
(7) Effectiveness of mechanical devices 기계 장치의 효율성
(8) Character of torchbearers 문화선구자의 성품
(9) The racial ideals 인종의 이상(理想)들
(10) Co-ordination of specialists 전문가들의 통합-조정
(11) Place-finding devices 구직(求職) 방책
(12) The willingness to co-operate 협력의 자발성
(13) Effective and wise leadership 효과적인 현명한 지도력
(14) Social changes 사회 변화
(15) The prevention of transitional breakdown 과도기의 몰락 예방 - The Evolution of Marriage 결혼의 진화
1. The Mating Instinct 짝짓기 본능
2. The Restrictive Taboos 제한하는 금기
3. Early Marriage Mores 초기의 결혼 관습
4. Marriage Under the Property Mores 재산 관습에 따른 결혼
5. Endogamy and Exogamy 동족(同族) 결혼과 족외(族外) 결혼
6. Racial Mixtures 종족의 혼합 - The Marriage Institution 결혼 제도
1. Marriage as a Societal Institution 사회 제도로서의 결혼
2. Courtship and Betrothal 구혼(求婚)과 약혼(約婚)
3. Purchase and Dowry 아내 사들임과 지참금
4. The Wedding Ceremony 결혼식
5. Plural Marriages 복혼(複婚)
6. True Monogamy — Pair Marriage 진정한 단혼(單婚) – 일부일처(一夫一妻)
7. The Dissolution of Wedlock 혼인의 해약(解約)
8. The Idealization of Marriage 결혼의 이상화(理想化) - Marriage and Family Life 결혼과 가정생활
1. Primitive Pair Associations 원시 부부 결합
2. The Early Mother-Family 초기 모계(母系)-가정
3. The Family Under Father Dominance 가부장(家父長) 가정
4. Woman’s Status in Early Society 초기 사회에서 여성의 지위
5. Woman Under the Developing Mores 발전하는 관습에 따른 여성
6. The Partnership of Man and Woman 남성과 여성의 협력
7. The Ideals of Family Life 가정생활의 이상(理想)들
8. Dangers of Self-Gratification 자아-충족의 위험들 - The Origins of Worship 경배의 기원들
1. Worship of Stones and Hills 돌과 언덕 숭배
2. Worship of Plants and Trees 식물과 나무 숭배
3. The Worship of Animals 동물 숭배
4. Worship of the Elements 자연력(自然力) 숭배
5. Worship of the Heavenly Bodies 천체(天體) 숭배
6. Worship of Man 사람 숭배
7. The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom 경배와 지혜의 보조자들 - Early Evolution of Religion 종교의 초기 진화
1. Chance: Good Luck and Bad Luck 운수(運數): 행운과 불운
2. The Personification of Chance 운수(運數)의 의인화(擬人化)
3. Death — The Inexplicable 이해할 수 없는 죽음
4. The Death-Survival Concept 죽음 – 생존 개념
5. The Ghost-Soul Concept 유령(幽靈)-혼(魂) 개념
6. The Ghost-Spirit Environment 유령(幽靈)-영(靈) 환경
7. The Function of Primitive Religion 원시 종교의 기능 - The Ghost Cults 유령(幽靈) 종파(宗派)들
1. Ghost Fear 유령(幽靈) 공포
2. Ghost Placation 유령(幽靈) 회유(懷柔 달래기)
3. Ancestor Worship 조상숭배(祖上崇拜)
4. Good and Bad Spirit Ghosts 선한 영(靈) 유령(幽靈)과 악한 영 유령(幽靈)
5. The Advancing Ghost Cult 진보하는 유령(幽靈) 종파
6. Coercion and Exorcism 강제(强制)와 축사(逐邪)
7. Nature of Cultism 종파(宗派)주의의 본성 - Fetishes, Charms, and Magic 주물(呪物)들, 부적(符籍)들 및 마술
1. Belief in Fetishes
2. Evolution of the Fetish
Images and idols
“Sacred Books”
3. Totemism
4. Magic
5. Magical Charms
6. The Practice of Magic - Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement 죄, 희생제물 및 속죄
1. The Taboo
2. The Concept of Sin
3. Renunciation and Humiliation
The continence cult
4. Origins of Sacrifice
5. Sacrifices and Cannibalism
6. Evolution of Human Sacrifice
7. Modifications of Human Sacrifice
Temple harlotry
8. Redemption and Covenants
9. Sacrifices and Sacraments
10. Forgiveness of Sin - Shamanism — Medicine Men and Priests 샤머니즘 – 주술사(呪術師)들과 사제들
1. The First Shamans — The Medicine Men
2. Shamanistic Practices
3. The Shamanic Theory of Disease and Death
4. Medicine Under the Shamans
5. Priests and Rituals - The Evolution of Prayer 기도의 진화
1. Primitive Prayer
2. Evolving Prayer
Prayer versus magic
3. Prayer and the Alter Ego
4. Ethical Praying
5. Social Repercussions of Prayer
6. The Province of Prayer
7. Mysticism, Ecstasy, and Inspiration
8. Praying as a Personal Experience
9. Conditions of Effective Prayer - The Later Evolution of Religion 추후(追後) 종교의 진화
1. The Evolutionary Nature of Religion
2. Religion and the Mores
3. The Nature of Evolutionary Religion
4. The Gift of Revelation
(1) The Dalamatian teachings
(2) The Edenic teachings
(3) The Melchizedek of Salem
(4) Jesus of Nazareth
(5) The Urantia Papers
5. The Great Religious Leaders
6. The Composite Religions
Eleven living religions
7. The Further Evolution of Religion - Machiventa Melchizedek 마키벤타 멜기세덱
1. The Machiventa Incarnation
2. The Sage of Salem
3. Melchizedek’s Teachings
4. The Salem Religion
The creed
The seven commandments
5. The Selection of Abraham
6. Melchizedek’s Covenant with Abraham
7. The Melchizedek Missionaries
8. Departure of Melchizedek
9. After Melchizedek’s Departure
10. Present Status of Machiventa Melchizedek - The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient 동양에서 멜기세덱 가르침들
1. The Salem Teachings in Vedic India
The Rig-Veda
2. Brahmanism
Doctrine of reincarnation
3. Brahmanic Philosophy
4. The Hindu Religion
5. The Struggle for Truth in China
6. Lao-Tse and Confucius
7. Gautama Siddhartha
8. The Buddhist Faith
The gospel of Gautama
The moral commandments
9. The Spread of Buddhism
10. Religion in Tibet
11. Buddhist Philosophy
12. The God Concept of Buddhism - The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant 레반트에서 멜기세덱 가르침들
1. The Salem Religion in Mesopotamia
2. Early Egyptian Religion
3. Evolution of Moral Concepts
4. The Teachings of Amenemope
5. The Remarkable Ikhnaton
6. The Salem Doctrines in Iran
7. The Salem Teachings in Arabia - Yahweh — God of the Hebrews 야훼 – 히브리인의 하나님
1. Deity Concepts Among the Semites
2. The Semitic Peoples
3. The Matchless Moses
4. The Proclamation of Yahweh
5. The Teachings of Moses
Materialistic Providence
6. The God Concept After Moses’ Death
7. Psalms and the Book of Job - Evolution of the God Concept Among the Hebrews 히브리인 사이에서 하나님 개념의 진화
1. Samuel — First of the Hebrew Prophets
2. Elijah and Elisha
3. Yahweh and Baal
4. Amos and Hosea
5. The First Isaiah
Micah and Obadiah
6. Jeremiah the Fearless
7. The Second Isaiah
8. Sacred and Profane History
9. Hebrew History
Ephraim and Judah
Saul and David
Solomon and taxation
Israel and Judah
Destruction of the Kingdom of Israel
End of the Kingdom of Judah
The Babylonian captivity
10. The Hebrew Religion - The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident 서양에서 멜기세덱 가르침들
1. The Salem Religion Among the Greeks
2. Greek Philosophic Thought
3. The Melchizedek Teachings in Rome
4. The Mystery Cults
The Phrygian cult of Cybele and Attis
The Egyptian cult of Osiris and Isis
The Iranian cult of Mithras
5. The Cult of Mithras
6. Mithraism and Christianity
7. The Christian Religion - The Social Problems of Religion 종교의 사회적 문제들
1. Religion and Social Reconstruction
2. Weakness of Institutional Religion
3. Religion and the Religionist
4. Transition Difficulties
5. Social Aspects of Religion
6. Institutional Religion
7. Religion’s Contribution - Religion in Human Experience 인간적 체험에 있는 종교
1. Religious Growth
2. Spiritual Growth
3. Concepts of Supreme Value
4. Problems of Growth
5. Conversion and Mysticism
6. Marks of Religious Living
7. The Acme of Religious Living - The Real Nature of Religion 종교의 실제 본성
1. True Religion
2. The Fact of Religion
3. The Characteristics of Religion
Twelve illustrations of spiritual faith
4. The Limitations of Revelation
5. Religion Expanded by Revelation
6. Progressive Religious Experience
Seven aspects of salvation
7. A Personal Philosophy of Religion
8. Faith and Belief
9. Religion and Morality
10. Religion as Man’s Liberator - The Foundations of Religious Faith 종교적 신앙의 토대
1. Assurances of Faith
2. Religion and Reality
3. Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight
4. The Fact of Experience
5. The Supremacy of Purposive Potential
6. The Certainty of Religious Faith
7. The Certitude of the Divine
8. The Evidences of Religion - The Reality of Religious Experience 종교적 체험의 실체
1. Philosophy of Religion
2. Religion and the Individual
3. Religion and the Human Race
4. Spiritual Communion
5. The Origin of Ideals
6. Philosophic Co-ordination
7. Science and Religion
8. Philosophy and Religion
9. The Essence of Religion - Growth of the Trinity Concept 삼위일체(三位一體) 개념의 성장
1. Urantian Trinity Concepts
2. Trinity Unity and Deity Plurality
3. Trinities and Triunities
4. The Seven Triunities
5. Triodities - Deity and Reality 신(神)과 실체
1. The Philosophic Concept of the I AM
2. The I AM as Triune and as Sevenfold
3. The Seven Absolutes of Infinity
4. Unity, Duality, and Triunity
5. Promulgation of Finite Reality
6. Repercussions of Finite Reality
7. Eventuation of Transcendentals - Universe Levels of Reality 실체의 우주 수준들
1. Primary Association of Finite Functionals
God the Sevenfold
2. Secondary Supreme Finite Integration
The Supreme Being
3. Transcendental Tertiary Reality Association
The Trinity Ultimate
4. Ultimate Quartan Integration
Ultimate Deity
5. Coabsolute or Fifth-Phase Association
The Trinity Absolute
6. Absolute or Sixth-Phase Integration
The cosmos infinite
7. Finality of Destiny
8. The Trinity of Trinities
(1) The level of three Trinities
(2) The level of experiential Deity
(3) The level of the I AM
9. Existential Infinite Unification - Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters 생각 조율자들의 기원과 본성
1. Origin of Thought Adjusters
2. Classification of Adjusters
3. The Divinington Home of Adjusters
4. Nature and Presence of Adjusters
5. Adjuster Mindedness
6. Adjusters as Pure Spirits
7. Adjusters and Personality - Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters 생각 조율자들의 사명과 돌봄
1. Selection and Assignment
2. Prerequisites of Adjuster Indwelling
On Urantia
On other worlds
3. Organization and Administration
Tabamantia’s tribute
4. Relation to Other Spiritual Influences
5. The Adjuster’s Mission
6. God in Man - Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures 조율자들과 우주 창조물들의 관계
1. Development of Adjusters
2. Self-Acting Adjusters
3. Relation of Adjusters to Mortal Types
4. Adjusters and Human Personality
5. Material Handicaps to Adjuster Indwelling
6. The Persistence of True Values
The Adjuster that indwelt Jesus
7. Destiny of Personalized Adjusters
Omnipersonal beings - Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals 조율자들과 개인 필사자들의 관계
1. Indwelling the Mortal Mind
2. Adjusters and Human Will
3. Co-operation with the Adjuster
4. The Adjuster’s Work in the Mind
5. Erroneous Concepts of Adjuster Guidance
6. The Seven Psychic Circles
7. The Attainment of Immortality
The Adjuster’s plea to the soul - The Adjuster and the Soul 조율자와 혼
1. The Mind Arena of Choice
2. Nature of the Soul
3. The Evolving Soul
4. The Inner Life
5. The Consecration of Choice
6. The Human Paradox
7. The Adjuster’s Problem
A guardian of destiny’s statement - Personality Survival 고유성 생존
Fourteen aspects of personality
1. Personality and Reality
2. The Self
3. The Phenomenon of Death
4. Adjusters After Death
5. Survival of the Human Self
6. The Morontia Self
7. Adjuster Fusion - Seraphic Guardians of Destiny 운명의 세라핌천사 수호(守護)자들
1. The Guardian Angels
2. The Destiny Guardians
3. Relation to Other Spirit Influences
4. Seraphic Domains of Action
5. Seraphic Ministry to Mortals
6. Guardian Angels After Death
7. Seraphim and the Ascendant Career - Seraphic Planetary Government 세라핌천사 행성 정부(政府)
1. The Sovereignty of Urantia
2. The Board of Planetary Supervisors
3. The Resident Governor General
4. The Most High Observer
Most High regencies
5. The Planetary Government
6. The Master Seraphim of Planetary Supervision
(1) The epochal angels
(2) The progress angels
(3) The religious guardians
(4) The angels of national life
(5) The angels of the races
(6) The angels of the future
(7) The angels of enlightenment
(8) The angels of health
(9) The home seraphim
(10) The angels of industry
(11) The angels of diversion
(12) The angels of superhuman ministry
7. The Reserve Corps of Destiny - The Supreme Being 최극 존재
1. Relativity of Concept Frames
2. The Absolute Basis for Supremacy
3. Original, Actual, and Potential
4. Sources of Supreme Reality
5. Relation of the Supreme to the Paradise Trinity
6. Relation of the Supreme to the Triodities
7. The Nature of the Supreme - The Almighty Supreme 전능 최극자
1. The Supreme Mind
The cosmic mind
2. The Almighty and God the Sevenfold
3. The Almighty and Paradise Deity
4. The Almighty and the Supreme Creators
5. The Almighty and the Sevenfold Controllers
The problem of equilibrium
6. Spirit Dominance
7. The Living Organism of the Grand Universe - God the Supreme 최극자 하나님
1. Nature of the Supreme Being
2. The Source of Evolutionary Growth
Creature-trinitized sons and growth
3. Significance of the Supreme to Universe Creatures
4. The Finite God
Cosmic morality — supreme duty
5. The Oversoul of Creation
Finaliter transcendation
Repercussions of human growth
6. The Quest for the Supreme
7. The Future of the Supreme - Supreme and Ultimate — Time and Space 최극과 궁극 –시간과 공간
1. Time and Eternity
Experiential (subjective) time units
2. Omnipresence and Ubiquity
3. Time-Space Relationships
Truth and fact
Space and pattern
4. Primary and Secondary Causation
5. Omnipotence and Compossibility
6. Omnipotence and Omnificence
7. Omniscience and Predestination
8. Control and Overcontrol
The time governor of progress
9. Universe Mechanisms
10. Functions of Providence - The Bestowals of Christ Michael 그리스도 미가엘의 증여(贈與)
1. The First Bestowal
2. The Second Bestowal
3. The Third Bestowal
4. The Fourth Bestowal
5. The Fifth Bestowal
6. The Sixth Bestowal
7. The Seventh and Final Bestowal
8. Michael’s Postbestowal Status위로↑